I've always loved 3D modeling and 3D printing, in fact I used to do it almost 16 years ago before there any table top printers that are all now the rage this day and age. I taught myself how to use the Rhino modeling program back then with my old mainstream toy prototyping company and we had a old Actua 2000 3D wax printer which had decent resolution and made great physical models. So now after so many years doing everything by hand I figured it was time to dig back into the virtual world and and see if it can add to what I've doing and maybe enhance my projects. I have acquired a table top 3D printer called the Moonray that can make some high resolution models and will posting some of the projects i make with it here on this blog. The new printer prints in resin so I guess Argonaut Resins will be a round for a bit longer than I expected, but do expect the product lines to change a lot. I will still always do hand sculptures and physical fabrications but will be adding this virtual tool to my arsenal of product creation. So stay tuned and you will see some new endeavors with 3D magic.
First up is a new collectible magnet design prototype for my Tuttz cat in 3D. I tested a few sizes and thicknesses and tweaked the features on the last print. I always wanted to make the Tuttz cat packaging logo in 3D and make various things with it since it has become well known brand. Below is my 3D model of my Tuttz cat logo and some of the test prints off the Moonray printer.