"Fake OG", "Dark ASh", "Dark Knight", "Sylvester", "Ash Underworld", and "Smokey Jade Tint"

Argonaut Resins and SpankyStokes.com are pleased to announce wave 2 of our exclusive "Ash" edition Tuttz! These unlike the first bunch have a great attention to detail, and each one has what Spanky's calling "Chase" status as they all are different, yet all rock! These 6 are set to release blind boxed for $50 each plus shipping this Thursday, August 19th at Noon PST in the SpankyStokes online store HERE! All figures will come in custom packaging and signed cards of authenticity... and be on the lookout for the full reveal in the coming days! (Text and image straight from the SpankyStomes.com website)...

Up next - our first Tuttz Tshirt is done and ready for launch and Cookies-N-Cream gold Tuttz wave 2 in the works.