Friday, February 11, 2011
True story...about Phase 2.
I have big plans this year on expanding Argonaut Resins and producing more projects and lose lots of sleep on exactly how I'm going to do that. I had planned to get the Tuttz resin cat figure digitally scanned and make a computer CG file so I could scale it up to any size I wanted (it would be nice to have a 2 - 3 footer at the upcoming shows this year). To make a long story short - I ran into my good friend Steve Talkowski (creator of the uber cool SketchBot vinyl toy robot - CG grandmaster etraordinaire) at an art show and I had told him my plans of expansion. Steve offered to rebuild the Tuttz from scratch in CG so I wouldn't have to scan it and clean up the file to make my life easier. Of course I accepted his gracious offer as this would give me more time to work on new stuff (and finish projects other projects). I now have the ability to scale the Tuttz resin cat up to ANY size I want and will do a post here soon on how the output was done after Toy Fair this upcoming weekend. So now I have Phase 2 of Argonaut Resins under way starting with this little guy below - look familiar...?
Tuttz mini anyone? Blindboxed? Hmmm....

I'm also working on the Tuttz blue jades as sneaked peaked below and if you want to see more of Argonaut Resins Phase 2 projects I will be revealing them (works in progress) at Toy Fair NYC (Jacob Javitts Center) this upcoming weekend Feb. 13th - 16th. I'll have a table at the Creative Factor booth #4828. Much Thanks to Brett Klisch - Mr. Organizer and good friend.